August 29, 2003
Animal House 25th Anniversary
"Were on double secret probation, whatever that means."
That line always cracks me up, what a great movie. Animal House is the grandfather of American Pie II. I remember when an employer threatened to put me back on probation, after I had been at the company for years (she was having a bad day). I thought of that line, and almost laughed in her face!
Trivia:"Delta House" is based on a frat house at Dartmouth.
Posted by Liz at 09:45 PM Feedback (2)
Supporting The Arts
The other night my Mom and I volunteered to help set up a reception for the baroque orchestra Tempesta di Mare. There a local orchestra who gives free concerts in order to revitalize interest in live classical music as an exciting, shared public experience.
My Mom and I attended a few free concerts at Swarthmore College and loved it. Gwen and Richard are the artistic directors and really made us feel welcome at the reception ; the champagne was flowing. They just signed with a London record company and have a new CD coming out in 2004.
Posted by Liz at 07:28 AM Feedback (7)
August 27, 2003
High Tea Anyone? An Alternative For a Caffeine Addict
I am a true coffee addict. It started out as a morning ritual and evolved into an afternoon and after dinner event. Starbuck's made it easier appearing on each corner
in just about every city I would visit. It fit in with my life's hectic pace, besides I was thrilled with the variations of coffee delights. No longer was it just coffee, cream and sugar, now I could choose between Mocha's, Mocchiatos and other various technical names for cappucinos.
So who would ever think I would switch to be an afternoon tea drinker. Tea has caffeine, but not as much as coffee. It was this caffeine in my afternoon coffee break that would get me through the day.
I think it was on my first visit to London when I experienced my first "High Tea." At first, I just thought I was acquiescing to the fact that the Brits drink tea in the afternoon. Then I discovered that just like coffee there are a variety of teas all with a unique taste and interesting names; Earl and Lady Grey, Jasmine, English and Irish Breakfast Tea are just a few. These teas were served with scrumptious scones, clotted creme and berries; sometimes there would be dainty little sandwiches and shortbread biscuits. So what happened to my afternoon coffee fix? After a couple of weeks I liked the fact that tea was not giving me the same jolt as coffee, I actually started to like that my afternoon breaks gave me time during the day to slow down.
Posted by at 09:53 PM Feedback (14)
August 25, 2003
Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate looks like a fun sport. They play it mostly at colleges I think. I would like to give Ultimate Frisbee a shot. I never liked regular frisbee as a kid, but somehow this seems more X-treme and I'm all about the X-treme! haha!
Posted by Liz at 11:20 PM Feedback (9)
Chilled ibiza CD
Anne & Len picked me up Chilled Ibiza Experience The Ultimate Sunset Mix~ CD in London. Len introduced us to it last trip and we fell in love with it. Its just really cool. They picked it up for me at this location in London. The CD contains mello listening tunes by the likes of Bjork (my fav), Moby, Lamb, Sneaker Pimps, The Prodigy (another fav) and The Thrillseekers. There all club mixes done in a chilled out, non aggravating vibe. Buy it USED and check it out, its sweet.Thanks Len & Anne! Hugs*
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (2)
August 24, 2003
Carrie Bradshaw's Hair Color
I've heard a lot of stylists say they hate Carrie's hair this season. They hate the roots, but now it seems that Sarah Jessica Parker has gone dark with the light chunks in front and I love it.
I've been bugging Jeanna, my colorist, to do something different for me. I like the chucks in front on Carrie. Anne says her stylist refuses to do that look, but geez I like it. Right now my hair is all auburn and I want it darker with chucks in front. Jeanna won't go too light. Decisions, decisions.
Posted by Liz at 10:07 PM Feedback (4)
August 23, 2003
Feeling Helpless
A major inspiration for this blog has been Jane. She has always been so generous with her time and expertise. I just read that she is going through a hardship, just as her band, dealership, went on tour. I really feel for Jane and her family and loved ones. She isn't alone through this and I want her to know I'm thinking of her.
Posted by Liz at 12:15 PM Feedback (2)
August 20, 2003
All Used Up
Well at least my books and CD's are. I have grown more and more revolted in book and music stores, when I see the price of the brand new stuff. I love books and music, but at 20 bucks a pop for a CD, I can't get all that I want so I explored alternatives.
Initially, I went to for used books and CD's. (i.e. a certain bookstore orded Sean Lennon's CD for me at 18 dollars. I found it used on Amazon for $4.99.) Lately used places are popping up all over and I'm delighted. One of my new favorite obsessions on a Saturday afternoon, is browsing the used shops for that one bargain treasure. A year ago I even acquired used Game Boy Advance games. Last night, after meeting with Jeanna, I passed a spot with a neon sign that caught my eye. I hit the brakes and backed up. Used music, movies, VCR's, and DVD players, fabulous! I was there browsing until they closed. I picked up two CD’s (Prodigy and Various Artists: If I Were a Carpenter) and got back on the road to head home. When I buy used music and books I feel like I’m doing a service. A service to the environment and my fellow human being. Maybe that person needs the money, as much as I don’t need to pay top dollar. Its not that I’m cheap, it’s that I don’t like being taken advantage of as a consumer. I urge everyone to consider what purchasing used goods can do. It drives prices down and we recycle. The powers that be don’t want us sharing online, let’s share through the mail. I can wait a few minutes, days, or months for someone to finish listening to a CD or viewing a DVD, and then I pounce on it and make it my own.
Posted by Liz at 10:45 PM Feedback (11)
August 18, 2003
Cicada Gift Bag
Does this bag go under the category art or fashion? Hmm either way its cool isn't it? I would love one of these bags. How cool would it be to get a gift in a bag with a cicada on it. The following day you use it to take your lunch and a book to work!
Posted by Liz at 09:01 PM Feedback (12)
August 17, 2003
Paul Frank Rocks My World
Doesn't this tee shirt with Julius on it just make you happy? I saw this shirt all over London and I've seen it all over SoHo. Its so cute, and a wonderful example of Pop art merchandising.
Posted by Liz at 01:00 AM Feedback (8)
August 15, 2003
Finite Math, An Act of Terrorism
Finite math is next on my agenda for a fall course and I haven't got a clue as to what its all about. I'm searching the web and trying to do a little research but frankly, its all greek to me.
Last night I registered for my fall class, of course, I went in and told my advisor how I'm so NOT ready for math. Her reply to me was,
"If you want the degree, you have to take math and you will just apply yourself."She said she didnt care if I had to PAY a tutor,(easy for her to say) I had to just make up my mind to get through it. She made her case that it was because I was a female & that I had been conditioned, by society, to think I'm not good at math ( All this time I thought it was those F's I got in school). She told me to get with the prof and let him know my concerns,"squeaky wheel and all that" is how she worded it.
OK, I bought her pep talk and I'm registered. I have this class two nights a week from 6-8pm. Does anyone know a good math tutor? If not, would you be able to come over to my house and put a pillow over my face, quickly?
Posted by Liz at 10:48 PM Feedback (2)
This is where the magic happens, my desk
I love my desk area. Its very visual and peaceful and compact. I dont have everything spread all over, its all right there nice and handy. Look around and see if you can spot your pic. I have lots of real life and online friends pics where I can see them. I like to see the space where people play online games or write for there blog or photoshop a master piece. Send me a pic of your desk/work area, I would love to see it. Yea, thats weird I know, but its revealing.
View image
Posted by Liz at 03:27 PM Feedback (2)
August 13, 2003
God I Love This Line
"It’s much, much easier to look cool on your blog than it is in real life."~
So true, isn't it fellow bloggers? haha!
Posted by Liz at 05:23 PM Feedback (5)
August 12, 2003
A Queer Evening On Television
OK, first I watched Boy meets Boy, then I watched Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Boy meets Boy was just another Bachelor. On a level from 1 to 10 the corniness was a 10! I could spot the straight man a mile away and so could the gay men. Putting that spin on it ruins it for me. It becomes a "game" and thats so ugly and insincere. Queer Eye, was funny. Especially this guy Carson the fashion guy. He was humorous as he looked around the straight guys trashed apartment, "Want some salsa with your M&M's?"The gay men picking up the spank material (porn) was funny. They laughed there queer ass' off at his "snug fit" condoms! They even redecorated his backyard. I learned a new term folks, its called manscaping. That when a man shaves or waxes body hair. I have always been a staunch advocate of that. I wonder if they'll make over woman? Guess thats not the title of the show, right...rats!
Posted by Liz at 10:47 PM Feedback (0)
Ah-Nuld For Governor?
I'm still not recovered from the Reagan era (and I mean that). Now there is another "actor" running for political office? I don't think I could live through it if he becomes president (hey, it could happen, this is America were talking about). Check out this cartoon on the Ah-Nuld, in the Village Voice. Its almost as funny as this recall/election business.
Posted by Liz at 07:28 PM Feedback (1)
August 11, 2003
Thought For The Day
"What gifts await me if I widen my circle of awareness just a bit."
I guess thats what I'm trying to do with this blog, broaden my circle a bit. I'm finding a new place for self expression. I'm trying to stretch and grow and push myself a little further.
I read other peoples blogs and always the fear is, can I measure up? Should I be more political or academic? Should I reseach and take hours to prepare an entry?Maybe I should have tons of links and personal info? Do I have to be a CEO of a company, or a published author to play in this sandbox? The truth is these are just some of the people who have encouraged me to join in on the fun and I have learned so much from each of them. I will always remember Jane's sage blogger advice to keep writing even before the blog was ready, so when it becomes ready it has content and not just a pretty banner. Here I am, content and not just a pretty banner! Dimi loves to play with the design so heaven knows how many times the banner will change. All I can do is share with you who *I* am, what I love and sometimes what I hate. So far, I'm loving every bit of it. ;)
Posted by Liz at 11:10 PM Feedback (1)
Anne Called Me.....
She was stuck in the tube in London yesterday. No AC anywhere, terrorist’s threats, bomb scares, and lovely vacation isn't it? Come home hunny, to the US of A where we have AC so cold you have to wear a sweater. Where there is yoga and steam rooms and massages. Where we have the common decency to at least announce a terror alert upgrade! Come home where there is nice cool seltzer water, with lemon, waiting for you and a cat named Alex who, told me to tell you... MEOW.
Posted by Liz at 10:26 PM Feedback (2)
August 10, 2003
X Games IX
I went a couple of years ago when the X Games came to Philly. It was free and it was awesome. Guess the "free" days are over. The line was down Broad St. and people stood there, myself including. There was $$$ too be made, now there making it.
Posted by Liz at 03:53 PM Feedback (2)
Its Sunday and I'm Lovin It
Its Sunday. My usual routine is too get coffee, put MTV on, for background noise, and catch up on there annoying programing (the shows I love to hate). Dimi is online and he and I are working on the blog until he takes a break to watch soccor or play a game. Dimi & I have been hanging out online, on the weekends, for years now. haha! I love it!
Posted by Liz at 02:28 PM Feedback (0)
August 09, 2003
I Need Some Devil Horns
I want to order these devil horns and i bet you know in which color too! *wink* Shit, they have glow in the dark ones too! Now I'm really torn. Dammit though, it wouldn't be any fun unless I could wear 'em to work! HEHE
Posted by Liz at 11:56 PM Feedback (0)
Fabric Bags are O' So Purty
Apparently these ladies found the same vintage fabric site I found. I love fabric, especially cool 50's vintage fabric. Check out these bags that were made with some of my most favorite prints! Great for carrying books and such.
Posted by Liz at 11:41 PM Feedback (1)
More cool art, Coop art
When I was in NYC a couple of weeks ago, I ran across a magazine called Paper. I was blown away by the layout in the pages. Coop is the artist, check out this site. The way he draws the female form is amazingly gorgeous, dont you think?
Posted by Liz at 11:33 PM Feedback (3)
August 01, 2003
Ian Christy artist extraordinaire
This weekend, its all about my favorite art on this blog. I just feel like looking at it. The following is the fantastic work of Ian Christy. I love his stuff, and "e" is a sweetheart. I hope one day, he will grant me an interview, so that I may dig around the mind of such a talented person. (I promise not to dig too hard e.)
e tells me that he and other wrists (illustrators & animators) have this thing called a DRAW JAM. Apparently these amazingly talented people get together and well... draw. Damn I wish I lived near them. I would be so into something like that, not that I put myself in there league but I doodled at work today. :) Hell, I can dream can't I?
Posted by Liz at 09:52 PM Feedback (7)
Friday, August 1, 2003
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