October 31, 2003
Halloween, NYC Style
The best Halloween I ever had was in NYC. Tonight, I'm jumping on Amtrak to go meet up with Anne and the trick or treaters. We might hand out candy to kids *cough-cute guys-cough* or something. I told her, I didn't care what drugs she had to cop, the rule for tonight was, you aren't allowed to get tired!! I'll run home after work and pack a bag and I'm off! I can't wait to be in the big apple tonight of all nights. I'll take pics and keep ya posted, and by the way, I'm won't be in costume. I'm just going as a woman who doesn't want to watch a lot of DVD's this weekend.
Posted by Liz at 12:13 PM Feedback (3)
October 28, 2003
Rich Girls
I just watched this new show on MTV, Rich Girls, and I want to throw up. A half hour of total self indulgence in the lives of these two disgustingly wealthy and tacky NYC girls. Then it hit me, oh my God, these two do* remind me of myself and Anne when were hanging, NYC style. The hair, the pedicures, the shopping , the massages; riding in the back of cabs while on cell phones! The only difference is we don't have buck teeth, and our father's aren't fashion designers......do I seem bitter?
Posted by Liz at 11:11 PM Feedback (55)
October 27, 2003
Going For It!
UA's new ad
I never thought of myself as a particularly competitive person. Now I think maybe it was just a way for me to not get myself into the game. If I don't try, then I can't fail, was the thinking behind the, "I'm not a competitor" routine. However, this past weekend an opportunity came up that I jumped on. I jumped and started writing so fast, my head spun. I saw something I have been wanting for a long time, and when the opportunity presented itself, I got into the game. Win, lose or draw, I'm proud that I took a chance and put my best foot forward. That's what's important to me, not so much the outcome, but the fact that I showed up, raised my hand, and felt qualified to get into the game. I'm taking a risk and it feels good. Even if this doesn't work out, I've worked those muscles for the next opportunity that arises.
Posted by Liz at 09:51 PM Feedback (7)
October 25, 2003
Tiffany & Co.
Yes, I'm referring too the one and only, as in Breakfast At Tiffany's. I wandered in there today and knew I wasn't leaving without a little bauble. Sure enough, it wasn't long before a special little something caught my eye. On Friday at work, I began doodling a kidney bean. Don't ask me why, but it was a pleasant shape and I thought of the kidney shaped pool we use to have. So when I saw Elsa Peretti's bean jewelry, a delightfully fluid little ring caught my eye. Right away I envisioned it on my pinky. As I type these words, it dazzles in the corner of my eye.
Bean cuff links
Posted by Liz at 11:38 PM Feedback (2)
October 24, 2003
I Want My MTV!
Well not really, god I am such an 80’s dweeb aren’t I? Anyway, this isn't a post about MTV. Admittedly, people have walked in on me and caught me watching the music video channel, especially on lazy, mindless Sundays. This is a post about a new project that is right up my alley. Three of my favorite video directors are featured on DVD's from Palm Pictures. Mark Romanek sadly, is a great one they missed; maybe next time, she said with fingers crossed. Sometimes I can catch these innovators on the music channel, and it totally gives my day inspiration. Ironically, all three of the featured artists/directors have worked with, the goddess of all that is sight and sound, one of my all time favorites, Björk.
Posted by Liz at 09:00 PM Feedback (4)
October 23, 2003
Happy Halloween!
Sorry people, I couldn't resist! hehe
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (9)
The Biological Clock Ticks ticks ticks...
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I'm 40 and really only recently considered the benefits of marriage and children. I guess my love for my nieces opened me up to the idea as I play the cool, funloving Aunt Liz, then send them home to my brother. So now considering a family? Does one work to make it happen? I can't imagine where I would begin although some friends have made suggestions. People say that over 35 years of age, is high risk for pregnancy, yet I hear of people over 40 having children all the time. I think it all hinges on one thing, finding a man whom I would want to father said babies and that means finding a committed relationship that doesn't make me want to BE committed (as in mental institution)! A guy who is smart and kind and has the same values I have for raising children and being a family.
Now since I have never actually raised kids, all I have to go on is gut instincts and a clear sense of right and wrong. Could I find a man that I could trust enough to support us and let me be free enough to raise our children as we think they should be raised? I see younger couples buying homes and most I know, have help from families either financially or with baby sitting. The thoughts whirl around in my head. People tell me I am “smart” or “lucky” to have maintained my single status. I look at it as playing the cards I was dealt, but yes, I definitely have a great life, free of many of the everyday stresses parents take on. I’m free, and living a simple life filled with study and travel and new people, waiting just around the corner. Just for today, I don't have those marriage and children decisions to make. Maybe someday, maybe someday.
Posted by Liz at 07:34 PM Feedback (7)
Tiny Footprints In The Sand
Check out the pictures from the day. See why I love them so much?
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Being at the beach with my nieces is the best! They're so adorable and receptive to exploration. All is new to them. Seeing it for the first time, with Aunt Lizzy to guide them, I too, am able to see the ocean for the first time, through their eyes.
"Don't step on the broken shells,” I caution, their little hands in mine.
They leap and skip and splash at the ocean’s shore, and I think to myself, it doesn't get any better than this. They're so endearing and I'm filled with gratitude, they are content and healthy. I'm so thankful that they have terrific parents and grandparents.
I really can't comprehend how some parents are perfectly willing to miss such cherished moments with their children. Couples break up, and that’s it, the children's time is cut way back if not out all together. Parents start new relationships and move on. They pack up everything except the kids. maybe they call or send presents, and that’s enough for them. I'm just the Aunt, and I can’t imagine missing these exquisite moments with my precious little gems. I'm a part of their lives and they love me. It's like whatever could go amiss in my life, loosing a job, struggling with a course, being with the girls makes none of it relevant. As long as I have times like this to look forward too, I have a joyfulness in my life that nothing can replace.
Posted by Liz at 05:26 PM Feedback (3)
October 22, 2003
White Dopes On Punk
I couldn't be more delighted. Punk fashion is making a return. I laugh quietly when I see the traces of my hey day turning up on girls in their 20’s. The rubber, the lace, the leather. The bad ass attitude isn't as present; it doesn’t seem to be as necessary these days. After all, punks originally came from London and NYC. It's much more white washed these days, but cool none the less. It’s like bumping into an old boyfriend, and realizing, you could have him again, if you wanted him. I recall being in the trendy Miss Sixty shops this past summer and seeing the cut up printed tee shirts, the straps criss crossing, all ripped, and sexy. Crucifixes, skulls, and the color black, are always focal points of the punk chic vibe of yester year. Isn’t all so exciting? Just the way I remember it.
Posted by Liz at 10:12 PM Feedback (2)
October 21, 2003
Zodiac Advice Makes No Sense
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Fate is conspiring to suck you into an intensive behavioral modification program, to weed out wishy-washy wishes and leach out lukewarm longings that are distracting you from your burning desires. Here's the paradoxical formula at the heart of this process: If you try to maintain the illusion that you're not losing yourself, you will in fact lose yourself. But if you surrender and agree to lose yourself, you'll break through to a new level of communion with the deepest, most eternal part of yourself.
Does this mean I have to hang over the Thames river in a clear plastic box and starve?
Posted by Liz at 06:25 PM Feedback (0)
October 20, 2003
Snipers Need Love Too
Today was another Monday filled with 8 hours, I needed to have over with, as quickly as possible. I decided to elapse time with some light reading. I checked out all the BBC news regarding the DC snipers, John Allen Muhammad, and Lee Malvo. Yes, that is my idea of light reading! Of course, the thing I am most interested in is the profiles of the alleged murders. The backgrounds are interesting. Both men extremely needy. Searching. Naturally clicking like a dead bolt, once they met. Malvo's mother, hands her son over to Muhammad, and their journey of waste begins. Did she know her son was sleeping in a homeless shelter with a male old enough to be his father? Apparently she did. It reminded me of how there are no coincidents. We meet the people we are supposed to meet. I thought about all the woman that will contact these nice-looking, clever ...killers. I bet they're getting stacks of mail already from admiring females, who are certain they have the inside track on understanding these men. Muhammad's ex-wives were surely just bitches, right? Malvo grew up poor, what chance did he have? I'm reminded of Eric & Lyle Menendez, who married inside the prison walls, devoted women, who saw the trial on television, and felt an exquisite connection through the television screen. Why don't we ever hear about men writing a female killer in an effort to "understand" her and enter into a tender relationship from behind bars? Might it be the lack of conjugal visits? Hmmm
Posted by Liz at 07:01 PM Feedback (4)
October 15, 2003
On The Horizon
Just a few things going on with me. I’m contemplating a few decisions to be made. Looking at things realistically isn't unproblematic. There are so many things that can be used as a distraction for the real work that needs to be done. Thankfully today, I balk at accumulating diversions. I know what I want, and what I don't want. I have to have patience, and that’s easier said than done. I'll deal with the setbacks as opportunities and like a willow; I'll learn how to bend.
This weekend, it’s the beach with my nieces. My Aunt owns a condo and were going for fun and R & R. The next weekend I was considering a conference in NYC, but several issues are going into that decision. I'm apprehensive about my overnight arrangements etc. I'm waiting for a vision, burning bush, or bolt of lightening on that final episode. The following weekend is Halloween, and I have to see the kids fully clad in their costumes. I love October, the weather is so crisp and revitalizing! It’s all about experiencing the season.
I think I need brakes on my car. Indecisiveness on that one could lead to the brakes just giving out and bigger problems. Not a good thing to procrastinate on.
Uncertainty about what direction to take this blog flashes in and out of my thoughts daily. It feels all over the place but I have so much subject matter I want to explore. Sometimes, I picture myself as an old researching exocentric, who rents an apartment that’s filled with books, brilliant friends and tea cups. One can not make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, as the saying goes. I've tried and it doesn't work. Now it seems I will have to do things the time-consuming, solid, proper way.
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (1)
October 13, 2003
When I was in London I saw beautiful, fragrant lavender fields. Everywhere we went, the smell and color were wonderful. Since then, I have purchased as many lavender products (bath) as I could find. Now I find that pictures of lavender fields take me back to london in my minds eye, and I relax.
This is a bedroom in Provence (France) from a house, one could rent. Nearby would be lavender fields. There is something cozy and romantic about this basic bedroom.
Posted by Liz at 11:10 PM Feedback (2)
October 12, 2003
Interview for October, Comment Here
I plan on interviewing a new and fascinating person, each month as some of you may remember. Octobers interview is already late (thanks finite math), but last night I spoke with Nicole and that interview is now posted (thankyou Dimi). Check it out inInterviews and post here, and yes she is still available. Again, use this space to comment, if you feel the need. I loved talking to her, she is a sweetheart! Thanks Nicole!
Posted by Liz at 08:12 PM Feedback (6)
A Hypocrite is Exposed
"That Rush would likely never understand this is not surprising. Indeed, his understanding of racism, like that of most white Americans it seems, is so limited that it only allows the label to be used to describe the most vicious and deliberately bigoted of statements or actions. In other words, Rush, like most whites, views racism as requiring the evil intent of an individual racist, and thereby considers the event through the eyes of the perpetrator rather than the victim. If he didn't mean any harm, then there was no foul."
This is one of the best articles I have read on the Rush Limbaugh (and others like him) problem that plagues this country. Click here to read the entire article.
Posted by Liz at 05:02 PM Feedback (3)
Ask Anne
Anne has taken, what we hope will be, a temporary leave of absence from the blog due to her work schedule and the horrific commute she endures everyday (sometimes 2 hours in NYC traffic). Also, she is busy with a new love. Sorry to disappoint some drama queens, but that's the plain and simple explanation of it. She continues to influence my work, and is one of my closest friends.
Posted by Liz at 03:01 PM
Its The Souuuul Train
I was flipping channels tonight and came across Soul Train. This lady, Jacki-O was on there doing a Vanity 6 type thing, with two backup singers, and slow melodic sexual lyrics (juicey, juicey or something to that effect.) Remember Prince's group,Vanity 6, they sang Sex Shooter, Nasty Girl and all that jazz? It was funny to see a female act reminiscent of those 80's days gone by. When my brothers and I were kids, we loved to watch Soul Train, cause the commercials were different then the commercials that were usually on. They were all Afro-American hair care commercials and we liked them! Funny huh. I had to chuckle to myself when I found myself watching Soul Train again.
Jacki-O As She Appeared on Soul Train
Posted by Liz at 12:46 AM Feedback (2)
October 11, 2003
The Interesting Life of A Bohemian
"Don't make me seem too picturesque," Samuel Menashe urged, making a difficult request.
It is tempting to regard Mr. Menashe as an heirloom from a more colorful era. He is a poet, both lauded and obscure, who has lived in the same Greenwich Village tenement apartment on lower Thompson Street since 1956. His rent was $29 a month when he moved in. It has been raised since then, but is still a small fraction of what his newer neighbors pay.
Mr. Menashe remains a striking figure at 78, speaking with a resonant voice, his leonine silver hair swept back from his forehead. He frequently illustrates a conversational point by reciting, with elegant diction, one of his own short poems — which Stephen Spender once described, in The New York Review of Books, as "intense and clear as diamonds." There is neither computer nor typewriter in his apartment on the fifth floor of a walk-up building; Mr. Menashe composes his poetry with a pen, often in Central Park, to which he travels several times a week by subway.
"I suppose I am a classic bohemian," he admitted, sitting on a sagging couch in one of his three tiny rooms.
The ancient bathtub, perched on legs, stands in the kitchen, near a large refrigerator that Mr. Menashe has unplugged and uses as a storage closet. (He has a small refrigerator, containing food, in the living room.)
It's a light, airy space packed with phenomenal clutter, mainly books and papers. The walls, which haven't been painted in 25 years, are decorated with lively paintings, works of friends. Near the center of the room is a large, unlikely burst of greenery, a tree produced from seeds that Mr. Menashe saved from a grapefruit he had eaten." ~~ NY Times
Doesn't it just seem so cool, to be this age and live in NYC in a place you have called home for years and years. Its like if you don't require much, you can't be screwed over. The simple pleasures let you work and eat and live. I'm becoming more productive as I get older, requiring less materialism, but more intellectual stimulation. Who knows where I'll end up. Doesn't seem as though it will be the conventional for me.
Posted by Liz at 10:16 PM Feedback (0)
October 10, 2003
My Email From MichaelMoore.Com
"October 9, 2003....
By now, most of you have probably seen the "Dude, Where's My Country?" cover of the Bush statue being toppled. Today is the 6-month anniversary of the Baghdad photo-op where the Saddam statue came a tumblin' down ("We won! We won! We...um...what did we do? Right! WE WON!"). We thought we'd celebrate by taking out a full page ad in today's New York Times -- of us toppling Bush! It doubles as a great poster that you can just rip out of the paper and hang on your wall. If you live anywhere near a New York Times box, pick up a copy today (Oct. 9 -- it's on the back page of the Arts section).
Well, I'm off to Boston on the first leg of a 35-city tour. Hope you can come see me if you have the time (click here to see the tour schedule). I'll be keeping a tour diary on my web site, and I'll be adding new stuff to the site every couple days.
In the meantime, don't be depressed about Arnold. The people are pissed off and they have every right to be. They are in a "removal" mood. That is a good thing. As soon as we do our work to inform our friends and neighbors how Bush has wrecked the country, the economy and our standing in the world, they will be more than ready for "Terminator IV: Hasta La Vista Bush." And, please, let this be the end of wimpy, wishy-washy Democrats like Gray Davis who are really Republicans. The American public hates b.s. and hates fakes. We -- you -- need to think about getting people to run for office who STAND for something. Time is running out.
See you on the road!
Michael Moore"
Excellent, well done Michael!
Posted by Liz at 09:00 PM Feedback (1)
Breast Cancer Drug
"A new drug regimen can markedly reduce the chance that breast cancer will recur in postmenopausal women, a large international study has found. The results were so strongly, and surprisingly, positive that the investigators ended the study early and offered the drug to women taking a placebo.
The study involved 5,187 women at hundreds of medical centers in the United States, Canada and Europe. It asked what to do after they finish the recommended five-year course of tamoxifen, the standard treatment to prevent breast cancer recurrences.
Tamoxifen, which blocks the hormone estrogen, is remarkably effective in postmenopausal women whose cancers are fueled by the hormone, about 100,000 women each year." ~~ NY Times
When I was a little girl and my mother was only 40years old, she had a double mastectomy. Thats what they did with breast cancer back then. She had implants that broke and became deformed, but it saved her life and she was around to raise her three small children. My grandmother (Father's mother) had one breast removed back then and she is 88 years old now. My Aunt (mother's sister) just finished with chemo and radiation for her breast cancer. Thank God they got it all and she is doing well today, with freshly grown curly hair. This new drug is very good news for myself and many other woman.
Posted by Liz at 08:32 PM Feedback (0)
October 09, 2003
Reality Can Bite At Any Minute
That’s today’s headline regarding Roy being mauled by a tiger. I thought how appropriate for life. Reality can bite at any minute. An irritating nibble can turn into a deadly chomp, and with it comes the pain. Bring on the pain, I’m strong.
So many things have been whirling around in my head. I’m questioning, should I go to NYC in two weeks or not bother? Will I feel guilty as sin when I call out sick to head to the shore with my nieces for a weekend, also will I pass this finite math test? Reading about other people’s lives by way of a blog, makes me speculate. Have I been surmising accurately, are my perceptions of a picture couple on the money? I feel bad that they are no longer, and I’m sad that another blogger is depressed. That pair sure looked good on paper. Then of course I remind myself that my perceptions are just that, mine, and feelings aren’t facts. I guess bloggers are a sub culture of sorts. We know each other, we know a lot about each other because of reading, but do we really know one another? We link to our favorites, and some of us have made time and effort to meet in person. Many of us speak via the phone, and post to one another daily.
"The growth of the 'Blogosphere' and blogging (the act of keeping an online Web log or journal) has been meteoric," MrFadedGlory writes. "From the year 2000 the estimated number of 135,000 blogs is expected to increase in size to 10.3 million by 2004. Blogging has attracted the attention of major media players such as Conde Nast and Google, and has been the source of considerable discussion here at Plastic and elsewhere on the value of individual blogs as news sources. Are blogs just the latest self-indulgent web wank, or is this just version 0.1 of the brave new media future? " ~ Plastic
Just like life, plans& relationships can look good in theory. I’ve had scores of those theories in my life. Relationships that I felt were going “somewhere”, job opportunities, classes I wanted to take, but, when it came to the thriving daily feats the inadequacies of my plans shown through and in many cases I aborted my mission.
I feel that most woman want one thing, generally speaking, from a man, and that’s security. Momentous is the knowledge that he has your best welfare at heart. Expressing himself emotionally, and being a safe haven for your feelings. That’s not so simple too find, but I won’t settle for less. In the meantime, I blog, I live and I am happy.
Posted by Liz at 11:54 PM Feedback (6)
October 08, 2003
Politics As Usual
Politicans, Let This Be A Lesson To You!
I think Ah-Nuld won because people are sick of the politicians. Who can blame them. I myself, have looked into alternative leadership (See Anarchy post). I am as sick of the Democrats as I am the Republicians. Either way, we the people are screwed. Am I angry that Ah-Nuld is govenor? No, I cant say that I blame people for desperately grabbing at a chance for change. If he can overturn the damage done, then hooray for the people of California.
Posted by Liz at 07:30 AM Feedback (2)
October 05, 2003
The Poncho, Winter's Blanket
When I was a little girl in the 70's I had one, yesterday, I became the owner of my first poncho in more than 20 years. Yummy, it feels so good! I dont have this poncho (shown), I have a solid black one. If you bump into me this Winter, you may catch me wearing it.
I bought my poncho at Ann Taylor**
Posted by Liz at 05:46 PM Feedback (5)
October 01, 2003
Finite Math and Me
Gauss-Jordan Method
As some of you know I bombed the first test, bad! (Please don't ask me to say the test score) I jammed with my tutor and made some head way. I let the Prof know that I wasn't ready to give up just yet. Tonight after class, I had to stick around for some clarification on a particular method. Once Mr. H explained it, it clicked. He asked me how long it had been since I had the basics and I told him the truth, 20 yrs. (do the math). He asked if I felt overwhelmed and I told him as long as I see the tutor I'm OK. He told me point blank, that he didn't care who I was, if I failed the tests, I would fail the class. I said fair enough, I understand that, I actually like this class and I want to hang in and fight the good fight. I told Mr. H that this was my only class this semester and I was able to devote time to it. I have no idea why I'm relaxed about this situation. I recall a time, when a Prof was able to intimidate me out of Spanish class. I was always convinced math was beyond me and it was my boyfriends duty to tutor me (which he faithfully did). Today, I'm different person. I'll decide when I'm done with finite math, and for now I'm digging it, so I'm not done. I really want to kick ass in this class. I have to pass every test from here on out, that's OK, I'm in it to win it.
By the by, any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. :D
Posted by Liz at 09:43 PM Feedback (10)
Wednesday, October 1, 2003
October 2003
October 31, 2003
Halloween, NYC Style
The best Halloween I ever had was in NYC. Tonight, I'm jumping on Amtrak to go meet up with Anne and the trick or treaters. We might hand out candy to kids *cough-cute guys-cough* or something. I told her, I didn't care what drugs she had to cop, the rule for tonight was, you aren't allowed to get tired!! I'll run home after work and pack a bag and I'm off! I can't wait to be in the big apple tonight of all nights. I'll take pics and keep ya posted, and by the way, I'm won't be in costume. I'm just going as a woman who doesn't want to watch a lot of DVD's this weekend.
Posted by Liz at 12:13 PM Feedback (3)
October 28, 2003
Rich Girls
I just watched this new show on MTV, Rich Girls, and I want to throw up. A half hour of total self indulgence in the lives of these two disgustingly wealthy and tacky NYC girls. Then it hit me, oh my God, these two do* remind me of myself and Anne when were hanging, NYC style. The hair, the pedicures, the shopping , the massages; riding in the back of cabs while on cell phones! The only difference is we don't have buck teeth, and our father's aren't fashion designers......do I seem bitter?
Posted by Liz at 11:11 PM Feedback (55)
October 27, 2003
Going For It!
UA's new ad
I never thought of myself as a particularly competitive person. Now I think maybe it was just a way for me to not get myself into the game. If I don't try, then I can't fail, was the thinking behind the, "I'm not a competitor" routine. However, this past weekend an opportunity came up that I jumped on. I jumped and started writing so fast, my head spun. I saw something I have been wanting for a long time, and when the opportunity presented itself, I got into the game. Win, lose or draw, I'm proud that I took a chance and put my best foot forward. That's what's important to me, not so much the outcome, but the fact that I showed up, raised my hand, and felt qualified to get into the game. I'm taking a risk and it feels good. Even if this doesn't work out, I've worked those muscles for the next opportunity that arises.
Posted by Liz at 09:51 PM Feedback (7)
October 25, 2003
Tiffany & Co.
Yes, I'm referring too the one and only, as in Breakfast At Tiffany's. I wandered in there today and knew I wasn't leaving without a little bauble. Sure enough, it wasn't long before a special little something caught my eye. On Friday at work, I began doodling a kidney bean. Don't ask me why, but it was a pleasant shape and I thought of the kidney shaped pool we use to have. So when I saw Elsa Peretti's bean jewelry, a delightfully fluid little ring caught my eye. Right away I envisioned it on my pinky. As I type these words, it dazzles in the corner of my eye.
Bean cuff links
Posted by Liz at 11:38 PM Feedback (2)
October 24, 2003
I Want My MTV!
Well not really, god I am such an 80’s dweeb aren’t I? Anyway, this isn't a post about MTV. Admittedly, people have walked in on me and caught me watching the music video channel, especially on lazy, mindless Sundays. This is a post about a new project that is right up my alley. Three of my favorite video directors are featured on DVD's from Palm Pictures. Mark Romanek sadly, is a great one they missed; maybe next time, she said with fingers crossed. Sometimes I can catch these innovators on the music channel, and it totally gives my day inspiration. Ironically, all three of the featured artists/directors have worked with, the goddess of all that is sight and sound, one of my all time favorites, Björk.
Posted by Liz at 09:00 PM Feedback (4)
October 23, 2003
Happy Halloween!
Sorry people, I couldn't resist! hehe
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (9)
The Biological Clock Ticks ticks ticks...
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I'm 40 and really only recently considered the benefits of marriage and children. I guess my love for my nieces opened me up to the idea as I play the cool, funloving Aunt Liz, then send them home to my brother. So now considering a family? Does one work to make it happen? I can't imagine where I would begin although some friends have made suggestions. People say that over 35 years of age, is high risk for pregnancy, yet I hear of people over 40 having children all the time. I think it all hinges on one thing, finding a man whom I would want to father said babies and that means finding a committed relationship that doesn't make me want to BE committed (as in mental institution)! A guy who is smart and kind and has the same values I have for raising children and being a family.
Now since I have never actually raised kids, all I have to go on is gut instincts and a clear sense of right and wrong. Could I find a man that I could trust enough to support us and let me be free enough to raise our children as we think they should be raised? I see younger couples buying homes and most I know, have help from families either financially or with baby sitting. The thoughts whirl around in my head. People tell me I am “smart” or “lucky” to have maintained my single status. I look at it as playing the cards I was dealt, but yes, I definitely have a great life, free of many of the everyday stresses parents take on. I’m free, and living a simple life filled with study and travel and new people, waiting just around the corner. Just for today, I don't have those marriage and children decisions to make. Maybe someday, maybe someday.
Posted by Liz at 07:34 PM Feedback (7)
Tiny Footprints In The Sand
Check out the pictures from the day. See why I love them so much?
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Being at the beach with my nieces is the best! They're so adorable and receptive to exploration. All is new to them. Seeing it for the first time, with Aunt Lizzy to guide them, I too, am able to see the ocean for the first time, through their eyes.
"Don't step on the broken shells,” I caution, their little hands in mine.
They leap and skip and splash at the ocean’s shore, and I think to myself, it doesn't get any better than this. They're so endearing and I'm filled with gratitude, they are content and healthy. I'm so thankful that they have terrific parents and grandparents.
I really can't comprehend how some parents are perfectly willing to miss such cherished moments with their children. Couples break up, and that’s it, the children's time is cut way back if not out all together. Parents start new relationships and move on. They pack up everything except the kids. maybe they call or send presents, and that’s enough for them. I'm just the Aunt, and I can’t imagine missing these exquisite moments with my precious little gems. I'm a part of their lives and they love me. It's like whatever could go amiss in my life, loosing a job, struggling with a course, being with the girls makes none of it relevant. As long as I have times like this to look forward too, I have a joyfulness in my life that nothing can replace.
Posted by Liz at 05:26 PM Feedback (3)
October 22, 2003
White Dopes On Punk
I couldn't be more delighted. Punk fashion is making a return. I laugh quietly when I see the traces of my hey day turning up on girls in their 20’s. The rubber, the lace, the leather. The bad ass attitude isn't as present; it doesn’t seem to be as necessary these days. After all, punks originally came from London and NYC. It's much more white washed these days, but cool none the less. It’s like bumping into an old boyfriend, and realizing, you could have him again, if you wanted him. I recall being in the trendy Miss Sixty shops this past summer and seeing the cut up printed tee shirts, the straps criss crossing, all ripped, and sexy. Crucifixes, skulls, and the color black, are always focal points of the punk chic vibe of yester year. Isn’t all so exciting? Just the way I remember it.
Posted by Liz at 10:12 PM Feedback (2)
October 21, 2003
Zodiac Advice Makes No Sense
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Fate is conspiring to suck you into an intensive behavioral modification program, to weed out wishy-washy wishes and leach out lukewarm longings that are distracting you from your burning desires. Here's the paradoxical formula at the heart of this process: If you try to maintain the illusion that you're not losing yourself, you will in fact lose yourself. But if you surrender and agree to lose yourself, you'll break through to a new level of communion with the deepest, most eternal part of yourself.
Does this mean I have to hang over the Thames river in a clear plastic box and starve?
Posted by Liz at 06:25 PM Feedback (0)
October 20, 2003
Snipers Need Love Too
Today was another Monday filled with 8 hours, I needed to have over with, as quickly as possible. I decided to elapse time with some light reading. I checked out all the BBC news regarding the DC snipers, John Allen Muhammad, and Lee Malvo. Yes, that is my idea of light reading! Of course, the thing I am most interested in is the profiles of the alleged murders. The backgrounds are interesting. Both men extremely needy. Searching. Naturally clicking like a dead bolt, once they met. Malvo's mother, hands her son over to Muhammad, and their journey of waste begins. Did she know her son was sleeping in a homeless shelter with a male old enough to be his father? Apparently she did. It reminded me of how there are no coincidents. We meet the people we are supposed to meet. I thought about all the woman that will contact these nice-looking, clever ...killers. I bet they're getting stacks of mail already from admiring females, who are certain they have the inside track on understanding these men. Muhammad's ex-wives were surely just bitches, right? Malvo grew up poor, what chance did he have? I'm reminded of Eric & Lyle Menendez, who married inside the prison walls, devoted women, who saw the trial on television, and felt an exquisite connection through the television screen. Why don't we ever hear about men writing a female killer in an effort to "understand" her and enter into a tender relationship from behind bars? Might it be the lack of conjugal visits? Hmmm
Posted by Liz at 07:01 PM Feedback (4)
October 15, 2003
On The Horizon
Just a few things going on with me. I’m contemplating a few decisions to be made. Looking at things realistically isn't unproblematic. There are so many things that can be used as a distraction for the real work that needs to be done. Thankfully today, I balk at accumulating diversions. I know what I want, and what I don't want. I have to have patience, and that’s easier said than done. I'll deal with the setbacks as opportunities and like a willow; I'll learn how to bend.
This weekend, it’s the beach with my nieces. My Aunt owns a condo and were going for fun and R & R. The next weekend I was considering a conference in NYC, but several issues are going into that decision. I'm apprehensive about my overnight arrangements etc. I'm waiting for a vision, burning bush, or bolt of lightening on that final episode. The following weekend is Halloween, and I have to see the kids fully clad in their costumes. I love October, the weather is so crisp and revitalizing! It’s all about experiencing the season.
I think I need brakes on my car. Indecisiveness on that one could lead to the brakes just giving out and bigger problems. Not a good thing to procrastinate on.
Uncertainty about what direction to take this blog flashes in and out of my thoughts daily. It feels all over the place but I have so much subject matter I want to explore. Sometimes, I picture myself as an old researching exocentric, who rents an apartment that’s filled with books, brilliant friends and tea cups. One can not make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, as the saying goes. I've tried and it doesn't work. Now it seems I will have to do things the time-consuming, solid, proper way.
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (1)
October 13, 2003
When I was in London I saw beautiful, fragrant lavender fields. Everywhere we went, the smell and color were wonderful. Since then, I have purchased as many lavender products (bath) as I could find. Now I find that pictures of lavender fields take me back to london in my minds eye, and I relax.
This is a bedroom in Provence (France) from a house, one could rent. Nearby would be lavender fields. There is something cozy and romantic about this basic bedroom.
Posted by Liz at 11:10 PM Feedback (2)
October 12, 2003
Interview for October, Comment Here
I plan on interviewing a new and fascinating person, each month as some of you may remember. Octobers interview is already late (thanks finite math), but last night I spoke with Nicole and that interview is now posted (thankyou Dimi). Check it out inInterviews and post here, and yes she is still available. Again, use this space to comment, if you feel the need. I loved talking to her, she is a sweetheart! Thanks Nicole!
Posted by Liz at 08:12 PM Feedback (6)
A Hypocrite is Exposed
"That Rush would likely never understand this is not surprising. Indeed, his understanding of racism, like that of most white Americans it seems, is so limited that it only allows the label to be used to describe the most vicious and deliberately bigoted of statements or actions. In other words, Rush, like most whites, views racism as requiring the evil intent of an individual racist, and thereby considers the event through the eyes of the perpetrator rather than the victim. If he didn't mean any harm, then there was no foul."
This is one of the best articles I have read on the Rush Limbaugh (and others like him) problem that plagues this country. Click here to read the entire article.
Posted by Liz at 05:02 PM Feedback (3)
Ask Anne
Anne has taken, what we hope will be, a temporary leave of absence from the blog due to her work schedule and the horrific commute she endures everyday (sometimes 2 hours in NYC traffic). Also, she is busy with a new love. Sorry to disappoint some drama queens, but that's the plain and simple explanation of it. She continues to influence my work, and is one of my closest friends.
Posted by Liz at 03:01 PM
Its The Souuuul Train
I was flipping channels tonight and came across Soul Train. This lady, Jacki-O was on there doing a Vanity 6 type thing, with two backup singers, and slow melodic sexual lyrics (juicey, juicey or something to that effect.) Remember Prince's group,Vanity 6, they sang Sex Shooter, Nasty Girl and all that jazz? It was funny to see a female act reminiscent of those 80's days gone by. When my brothers and I were kids, we loved to watch Soul Train, cause the commercials were different then the commercials that were usually on. They were all Afro-American hair care commercials and we liked them! Funny huh. I had to chuckle to myself when I found myself watching Soul Train again.
Jacki-O As She Appeared on Soul Train
Posted by Liz at 12:46 AM Feedback (2)
October 11, 2003
The Interesting Life of A Bohemian
"Don't make me seem too picturesque," Samuel Menashe urged, making a difficult request.
It is tempting to regard Mr. Menashe as an heirloom from a more colorful era. He is a poet, both lauded and obscure, who has lived in the same Greenwich Village tenement apartment on lower Thompson Street since 1956. His rent was $29 a month when he moved in. It has been raised since then, but is still a small fraction of what his newer neighbors pay.
Mr. Menashe remains a striking figure at 78, speaking with a resonant voice, his leonine silver hair swept back from his forehead. He frequently illustrates a conversational point by reciting, with elegant diction, one of his own short poems — which Stephen Spender once described, in The New York Review of Books, as "intense and clear as diamonds." There is neither computer nor typewriter in his apartment on the fifth floor of a walk-up building; Mr. Menashe composes his poetry with a pen, often in Central Park, to which he travels several times a week by subway.
"I suppose I am a classic bohemian," he admitted, sitting on a sagging couch in one of his three tiny rooms.
The ancient bathtub, perched on legs, stands in the kitchen, near a large refrigerator that Mr. Menashe has unplugged and uses as a storage closet. (He has a small refrigerator, containing food, in the living room.)
It's a light, airy space packed with phenomenal clutter, mainly books and papers. The walls, which haven't been painted in 25 years, are decorated with lively paintings, works of friends. Near the center of the room is a large, unlikely burst of greenery, a tree produced from seeds that Mr. Menashe saved from a grapefruit he had eaten." ~~ NY Times
Doesn't it just seem so cool, to be this age and live in NYC in a place you have called home for years and years. Its like if you don't require much, you can't be screwed over. The simple pleasures let you work and eat and live. I'm becoming more productive as I get older, requiring less materialism, but more intellectual stimulation. Who knows where I'll end up. Doesn't seem as though it will be the conventional for me.
Posted by Liz at 10:16 PM Feedback (0)
October 10, 2003
My Email From MichaelMoore.Com
"October 9, 2003....
By now, most of you have probably seen the "Dude, Where's My Country?" cover of the Bush statue being toppled. Today is the 6-month anniversary of the Baghdad photo-op where the Saddam statue came a tumblin' down ("We won! We won! We...um...what did we do? Right! WE WON!"). We thought we'd celebrate by taking out a full page ad in today's New York Times -- of us toppling Bush! It doubles as a great poster that you can just rip out of the paper and hang on your wall. If you live anywhere near a New York Times box, pick up a copy today (Oct. 9 -- it's on the back page of the Arts section).
Well, I'm off to Boston on the first leg of a 35-city tour. Hope you can come see me if you have the time (click here to see the tour schedule). I'll be keeping a tour diary on my web site, and I'll be adding new stuff to the site every couple days.
In the meantime, don't be depressed about Arnold. The people are pissed off and they have every right to be. They are in a "removal" mood. That is a good thing. As soon as we do our work to inform our friends and neighbors how Bush has wrecked the country, the economy and our standing in the world, they will be more than ready for "Terminator IV: Hasta La Vista Bush." And, please, let this be the end of wimpy, wishy-washy Democrats like Gray Davis who are really Republicans. The American public hates b.s. and hates fakes. We -- you -- need to think about getting people to run for office who STAND for something. Time is running out.
See you on the road!
Michael Moore"
Excellent, well done Michael!
Posted by Liz at 09:00 PM Feedback (1)
Breast Cancer Drug
"A new drug regimen can markedly reduce the chance that breast cancer will recur in postmenopausal women, a large international study has found. The results were so strongly, and surprisingly, positive that the investigators ended the study early and offered the drug to women taking a placebo.
The study involved 5,187 women at hundreds of medical centers in the United States, Canada and Europe. It asked what to do after they finish the recommended five-year course of tamoxifen, the standard treatment to prevent breast cancer recurrences.
Tamoxifen, which blocks the hormone estrogen, is remarkably effective in postmenopausal women whose cancers are fueled by the hormone, about 100,000 women each year." ~~ NY Times
When I was a little girl and my mother was only 40years old, she had a double mastectomy. Thats what they did with breast cancer back then. She had implants that broke and became deformed, but it saved her life and she was around to raise her three small children. My grandmother (Father's mother) had one breast removed back then and she is 88 years old now. My Aunt (mother's sister) just finished with chemo and radiation for her breast cancer. Thank God they got it all and she is doing well today, with freshly grown curly hair. This new drug is very good news for myself and many other woman.
Posted by Liz at 08:32 PM Feedback (0)
October 09, 2003
Reality Can Bite At Any Minute
That’s today’s headline regarding Roy being mauled by a tiger. I thought how appropriate for life. Reality can bite at any minute. An irritating nibble can turn into a deadly chomp, and with it comes the pain. Bring on the pain, I’m strong.
So many things have been whirling around in my head. I’m questioning, should I go to NYC in two weeks or not bother? Will I feel guilty as sin when I call out sick to head to the shore with my nieces for a weekend, also will I pass this finite math test? Reading about other people’s lives by way of a blog, makes me speculate. Have I been surmising accurately, are my perceptions of a picture couple on the money? I feel bad that they are no longer, and I’m sad that another blogger is depressed. That pair sure looked good on paper. Then of course I remind myself that my perceptions are just that, mine, and feelings aren’t facts. I guess bloggers are a sub culture of sorts. We know each other, we know a lot about each other because of reading, but do we really know one another? We link to our favorites, and some of us have made time and effort to meet in person. Many of us speak via the phone, and post to one another daily.
"The growth of the 'Blogosphere' and blogging (the act of keeping an online Web log or journal) has been meteoric," MrFadedGlory writes. "From the year 2000 the estimated number of 135,000 blogs is expected to increase in size to 10.3 million by 2004. Blogging has attracted the attention of major media players such as Conde Nast and Google, and has been the source of considerable discussion here at Plastic and elsewhere on the value of individual blogs as news sources. Are blogs just the latest self-indulgent web wank, or is this just version 0.1 of the brave new media future? " ~ Plastic
Just like life, plans& relationships can look good in theory. I’ve had scores of those theories in my life. Relationships that I felt were going “somewhere”, job opportunities, classes I wanted to take, but, when it came to the thriving daily feats the inadequacies of my plans shown through and in many cases I aborted my mission.
I feel that most woman want one thing, generally speaking, from a man, and that’s security. Momentous is the knowledge that he has your best welfare at heart. Expressing himself emotionally, and being a safe haven for your feelings. That’s not so simple too find, but I won’t settle for less. In the meantime, I blog, I live and I am happy.
Posted by Liz at 11:54 PM Feedback (6)
October 08, 2003
Politics As Usual
Politicans, Let This Be A Lesson To You!
I think Ah-Nuld won because people are sick of the politicians. Who can blame them. I myself, have looked into alternative leadership (See Anarchy post). I am as sick of the Democrats as I am the Republicians. Either way, we the people are screwed. Am I angry that Ah-Nuld is govenor? No, I cant say that I blame people for desperately grabbing at a chance for change. If he can overturn the damage done, then hooray for the people of California.
Posted by Liz at 07:30 AM Feedback (2)
October 05, 2003
The Poncho, Winter's Blanket
When I was a little girl in the 70's I had one, yesterday, I became the owner of my first poncho in more than 20 years. Yummy, it feels so good! I dont have this poncho (shown), I have a solid black one. If you bump into me this Winter, you may catch me wearing it.
I bought my poncho at Ann Taylor**
Posted by Liz at 05:46 PM Feedback (5)
October 01, 2003
Finite Math and Me
Gauss-Jordan Method
As some of you know I bombed the first test, bad! (Please don't ask me to say the test score) I jammed with my tutor and made some head way. I let the Prof know that I wasn't ready to give up just yet. Tonight after class, I had to stick around for some clarification on a particular method. Once Mr. H explained it, it clicked. He asked me how long it had been since I had the basics and I told him the truth, 20 yrs. (do the math). He asked if I felt overwhelmed and I told him as long as I see the tutor I'm OK. He told me point blank, that he didn't care who I was, if I failed the tests, I would fail the class. I said fair enough, I understand that, I actually like this class and I want to hang in and fight the good fight. I told Mr. H that this was my only class this semester and I was able to devote time to it. I have no idea why I'm relaxed about this situation. I recall a time, when a Prof was able to intimidate me out of Spanish class. I was always convinced math was beyond me and it was my boyfriends duty to tutor me (which he faithfully did). Today, I'm different person. I'll decide when I'm done with finite math, and for now I'm digging it, so I'm not done. I really want to kick ass in this class. I have to pass every test from here on out, that's OK, I'm in it to win it.
By the by, any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. :D
Posted by Liz at 09:43 PM Feedback (10)
Halloween, NYC Style
The best Halloween I ever had was in NYC. Tonight, I'm jumping on Amtrak to go meet up with Anne and the trick or treaters. We might hand out candy to kids *cough-cute guys-cough* or something. I told her, I didn't care what drugs she had to cop, the rule for tonight was, you aren't allowed to get tired!! I'll run home after work and pack a bag and I'm off! I can't wait to be in the big apple tonight of all nights. I'll take pics and keep ya posted, and by the way, I'm won't be in costume. I'm just going as a woman who doesn't want to watch a lot of DVD's this weekend.
Posted by Liz at 12:13 PM Feedback (3)
October 28, 2003
Rich Girls
I just watched this new show on MTV, Rich Girls, and I want to throw up. A half hour of total self indulgence in the lives of these two disgustingly wealthy and tacky NYC girls. Then it hit me, oh my God, these two do* remind me of myself and Anne when were hanging, NYC style. The hair, the pedicures, the shopping , the massages; riding in the back of cabs while on cell phones! The only difference is we don't have buck teeth, and our father's aren't fashion designers......do I seem bitter?
Posted by Liz at 11:11 PM Feedback (55)
October 27, 2003
Going For It!
UA's new ad
I never thought of myself as a particularly competitive person. Now I think maybe it was just a way for me to not get myself into the game. If I don't try, then I can't fail, was the thinking behind the, "I'm not a competitor" routine. However, this past weekend an opportunity came up that I jumped on. I jumped and started writing so fast, my head spun. I saw something I have been wanting for a long time, and when the opportunity presented itself, I got into the game. Win, lose or draw, I'm proud that I took a chance and put my best foot forward. That's what's important to me, not so much the outcome, but the fact that I showed up, raised my hand, and felt qualified to get into the game. I'm taking a risk and it feels good. Even if this doesn't work out, I've worked those muscles for the next opportunity that arises.
Posted by Liz at 09:51 PM Feedback (7)
October 25, 2003
Tiffany & Co.
Yes, I'm referring too the one and only, as in Breakfast At Tiffany's. I wandered in there today and knew I wasn't leaving without a little bauble. Sure enough, it wasn't long before a special little something caught my eye. On Friday at work, I began doodling a kidney bean. Don't ask me why, but it was a pleasant shape and I thought of the kidney shaped pool we use to have. So when I saw Elsa Peretti's bean jewelry, a delightfully fluid little ring caught my eye. Right away I envisioned it on my pinky. As I type these words, it dazzles in the corner of my eye.
Bean cuff links
Posted by Liz at 11:38 PM Feedback (2)
October 24, 2003
I Want My MTV!
Well not really, god I am such an 80’s dweeb aren’t I? Anyway, this isn't a post about MTV. Admittedly, people have walked in on me and caught me watching the music video channel, especially on lazy, mindless Sundays. This is a post about a new project that is right up my alley. Three of my favorite video directors are featured on DVD's from Palm Pictures. Mark Romanek sadly, is a great one they missed; maybe next time, she said with fingers crossed. Sometimes I can catch these innovators on the music channel, and it totally gives my day inspiration. Ironically, all three of the featured artists/directors have worked with, the goddess of all that is sight and sound, one of my all time favorites, Björk.
Posted by Liz at 09:00 PM Feedback (4)
October 23, 2003
Happy Halloween!
Sorry people, I couldn't resist! hehe
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (9)
The Biological Clock Ticks ticks ticks...
View image
I'm 40 and really only recently considered the benefits of marriage and children. I guess my love for my nieces opened me up to the idea as I play the cool, funloving Aunt Liz, then send them home to my brother. So now considering a family? Does one work to make it happen? I can't imagine where I would begin although some friends have made suggestions. People say that over 35 years of age, is high risk for pregnancy, yet I hear of people over 40 having children all the time. I think it all hinges on one thing, finding a man whom I would want to father said babies and that means finding a committed relationship that doesn't make me want to BE committed (as in mental institution)! A guy who is smart and kind and has the same values I have for raising children and being a family.
Now since I have never actually raised kids, all I have to go on is gut instincts and a clear sense of right and wrong. Could I find a man that I could trust enough to support us and let me be free enough to raise our children as we think they should be raised? I see younger couples buying homes and most I know, have help from families either financially or with baby sitting. The thoughts whirl around in my head. People tell me I am “smart” or “lucky” to have maintained my single status. I look at it as playing the cards I was dealt, but yes, I definitely have a great life, free of many of the everyday stresses parents take on. I’m free, and living a simple life filled with study and travel and new people, waiting just around the corner. Just for today, I don't have those marriage and children decisions to make. Maybe someday, maybe someday.
Posted by Liz at 07:34 PM Feedback (7)
Tiny Footprints In The Sand
Check out the pictures from the day. See why I love them so much?
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Being at the beach with my nieces is the best! They're so adorable and receptive to exploration. All is new to them. Seeing it for the first time, with Aunt Lizzy to guide them, I too, am able to see the ocean for the first time, through their eyes.
"Don't step on the broken shells,” I caution, their little hands in mine.
They leap and skip and splash at the ocean’s shore, and I think to myself, it doesn't get any better than this. They're so endearing and I'm filled with gratitude, they are content and healthy. I'm so thankful that they have terrific parents and grandparents.
I really can't comprehend how some parents are perfectly willing to miss such cherished moments with their children. Couples break up, and that’s it, the children's time is cut way back if not out all together. Parents start new relationships and move on. They pack up everything except the kids. maybe they call or send presents, and that’s enough for them. I'm just the Aunt, and I can’t imagine missing these exquisite moments with my precious little gems. I'm a part of their lives and they love me. It's like whatever could go amiss in my life, loosing a job, struggling with a course, being with the girls makes none of it relevant. As long as I have times like this to look forward too, I have a joyfulness in my life that nothing can replace.
Posted by Liz at 05:26 PM Feedback (3)
October 22, 2003
White Dopes On Punk
I couldn't be more delighted. Punk fashion is making a return. I laugh quietly when I see the traces of my hey day turning up on girls in their 20’s. The rubber, the lace, the leather. The bad ass attitude isn't as present; it doesn’t seem to be as necessary these days. After all, punks originally came from London and NYC. It's much more white washed these days, but cool none the less. It’s like bumping into an old boyfriend, and realizing, you could have him again, if you wanted him. I recall being in the trendy Miss Sixty shops this past summer and seeing the cut up printed tee shirts, the straps criss crossing, all ripped, and sexy. Crucifixes, skulls, and the color black, are always focal points of the punk chic vibe of yester year. Isn’t all so exciting? Just the way I remember it.
Posted by Liz at 10:12 PM Feedback (2)
October 21, 2003
Zodiac Advice Makes No Sense
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Fate is conspiring to suck you into an intensive behavioral modification program, to weed out wishy-washy wishes and leach out lukewarm longings that are distracting you from your burning desires. Here's the paradoxical formula at the heart of this process: If you try to maintain the illusion that you're not losing yourself, you will in fact lose yourself. But if you surrender and agree to lose yourself, you'll break through to a new level of communion with the deepest, most eternal part of yourself.
Does this mean I have to hang over the Thames river in a clear plastic box and starve?
Posted by Liz at 06:25 PM Feedback (0)
October 20, 2003
Snipers Need Love Too
Today was another Monday filled with 8 hours, I needed to have over with, as quickly as possible. I decided to elapse time with some light reading. I checked out all the BBC news regarding the DC snipers, John Allen Muhammad, and Lee Malvo. Yes, that is my idea of light reading! Of course, the thing I am most interested in is the profiles of the alleged murders. The backgrounds are interesting. Both men extremely needy. Searching. Naturally clicking like a dead bolt, once they met. Malvo's mother, hands her son over to Muhammad, and their journey of waste begins. Did she know her son was sleeping in a homeless shelter with a male old enough to be his father? Apparently she did. It reminded me of how there are no coincidents. We meet the people we are supposed to meet. I thought about all the woman that will contact these nice-looking, clever ...killers. I bet they're getting stacks of mail already from admiring females, who are certain they have the inside track on understanding these men. Muhammad's ex-wives were surely just bitches, right? Malvo grew up poor, what chance did he have? I'm reminded of Eric & Lyle Menendez, who married inside the prison walls, devoted women, who saw the trial on television, and felt an exquisite connection through the television screen. Why don't we ever hear about men writing a female killer in an effort to "understand" her and enter into a tender relationship from behind bars? Might it be the lack of conjugal visits? Hmmm
Posted by Liz at 07:01 PM Feedback (4)
October 15, 2003
On The Horizon
Just a few things going on with me. I’m contemplating a few decisions to be made. Looking at things realistically isn't unproblematic. There are so many things that can be used as a distraction for the real work that needs to be done. Thankfully today, I balk at accumulating diversions. I know what I want, and what I don't want. I have to have patience, and that’s easier said than done. I'll deal with the setbacks as opportunities and like a willow; I'll learn how to bend.
This weekend, it’s the beach with my nieces. My Aunt owns a condo and were going for fun and R & R. The next weekend I was considering a conference in NYC, but several issues are going into that decision. I'm apprehensive about my overnight arrangements etc. I'm waiting for a vision, burning bush, or bolt of lightening on that final episode. The following weekend is Halloween, and I have to see the kids fully clad in their costumes. I love October, the weather is so crisp and revitalizing! It’s all about experiencing the season.
I think I need brakes on my car. Indecisiveness on that one could lead to the brakes just giving out and bigger problems. Not a good thing to procrastinate on.
Uncertainty about what direction to take this blog flashes in and out of my thoughts daily. It feels all over the place but I have so much subject matter I want to explore. Sometimes, I picture myself as an old researching exocentric, who rents an apartment that’s filled with books, brilliant friends and tea cups. One can not make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, as the saying goes. I've tried and it doesn't work. Now it seems I will have to do things the time-consuming, solid, proper way.
Posted by Liz at 10:58 PM Feedback (1)
October 13, 2003
When I was in London I saw beautiful, fragrant lavender fields. Everywhere we went, the smell and color were wonderful. Since then, I have purchased as many lavender products (bath) as I could find. Now I find that pictures of lavender fields take me back to london in my minds eye, and I relax.
This is a bedroom in Provence (France) from a house, one could rent. Nearby would be lavender fields. There is something cozy and romantic about this basic bedroom.
Posted by Liz at 11:10 PM Feedback (2)
October 12, 2003
Interview for October, Comment Here
I plan on interviewing a new and fascinating person, each month as some of you may remember. Octobers interview is already late (thanks finite math), but last night I spoke with Nicole and that interview is now posted (thankyou Dimi). Check it out inInterviews and post here, and yes she is still available. Again, use this space to comment, if you feel the need. I loved talking to her, she is a sweetheart! Thanks Nicole!
Posted by Liz at 08:12 PM Feedback (6)
A Hypocrite is Exposed
"That Rush would likely never understand this is not surprising. Indeed, his understanding of racism, like that of most white Americans it seems, is so limited that it only allows the label to be used to describe the most vicious and deliberately bigoted of statements or actions. In other words, Rush, like most whites, views racism as requiring the evil intent of an individual racist, and thereby considers the event through the eyes of the perpetrator rather than the victim. If he didn't mean any harm, then there was no foul."
This is one of the best articles I have read on the Rush Limbaugh (and others like him) problem that plagues this country. Click here to read the entire article.
Posted by Liz at 05:02 PM Feedback (3)
Ask Anne
Anne has taken, what we hope will be, a temporary leave of absence from the blog due to her work schedule and the horrific commute she endures everyday (sometimes 2 hours in NYC traffic). Also, she is busy with a new love. Sorry to disappoint some drama queens, but that's the plain and simple explanation of it. She continues to influence my work, and is one of my closest friends.
Posted by Liz at 03:01 PM
Its The Souuuul Train
I was flipping channels tonight and came across Soul Train. This lady, Jacki-O was on there doing a Vanity 6 type thing, with two backup singers, and slow melodic sexual lyrics (juicey, juicey or something to that effect.) Remember Prince's group,Vanity 6, they sang Sex Shooter, Nasty Girl and all that jazz? It was funny to see a female act reminiscent of those 80's days gone by. When my brothers and I were kids, we loved to watch Soul Train, cause the commercials were different then the commercials that were usually on. They were all Afro-American hair care commercials and we liked them! Funny huh. I had to chuckle to myself when I found myself watching Soul Train again.
Jacki-O As She Appeared on Soul Train
Posted by Liz at 12:46 AM Feedback (2)
October 11, 2003
The Interesting Life of A Bohemian
"Don't make me seem too picturesque," Samuel Menashe urged, making a difficult request.
It is tempting to regard Mr. Menashe as an heirloom from a more colorful era. He is a poet, both lauded and obscure, who has lived in the same Greenwich Village tenement apartment on lower Thompson Street since 1956. His rent was $29 a month when he moved in. It has been raised since then, but is still a small fraction of what his newer neighbors pay.
Mr. Menashe remains a striking figure at 78, speaking with a resonant voice, his leonine silver hair swept back from his forehead. He frequently illustrates a conversational point by reciting, with elegant diction, one of his own short poems — which Stephen Spender once described, in The New York Review of Books, as "intense and clear as diamonds." There is neither computer nor typewriter in his apartment on the fifth floor of a walk-up building; Mr. Menashe composes his poetry with a pen, often in Central Park, to which he travels several times a week by subway.
"I suppose I am a classic bohemian," he admitted, sitting on a sagging couch in one of his three tiny rooms.
The ancient bathtub, perched on legs, stands in the kitchen, near a large refrigerator that Mr. Menashe has unplugged and uses as a storage closet. (He has a small refrigerator, containing food, in the living room.)
It's a light, airy space packed with phenomenal clutter, mainly books and papers. The walls, which haven't been painted in 25 years, are decorated with lively paintings, works of friends. Near the center of the room is a large, unlikely burst of greenery, a tree produced from seeds that Mr. Menashe saved from a grapefruit he had eaten." ~~ NY Times
Doesn't it just seem so cool, to be this age and live in NYC in a place you have called home for years and years. Its like if you don't require much, you can't be screwed over. The simple pleasures let you work and eat and live. I'm becoming more productive as I get older, requiring less materialism, but more intellectual stimulation. Who knows where I'll end up. Doesn't seem as though it will be the conventional for me.
Posted by Liz at 10:16 PM Feedback (0)
October 10, 2003
My Email From MichaelMoore.Com
"October 9, 2003....
By now, most of you have probably seen the "Dude, Where's My Country?" cover of the Bush statue being toppled. Today is the 6-month anniversary of the Baghdad photo-op where the Saddam statue came a tumblin' down ("We won! We won! We...um...what did we do? Right! WE WON!"). We thought we'd celebrate by taking out a full page ad in today's New York Times -- of us toppling Bush! It doubles as a great poster that you can just rip out of the paper and hang on your wall. If you live anywhere near a New York Times box, pick up a copy today (Oct. 9 -- it's on the back page of the Arts section).
Well, I'm off to Boston on the first leg of a 35-city tour. Hope you can come see me if you have the time (click here to see the tour schedule). I'll be keeping a tour diary on my web site, and I'll be adding new stuff to the site every couple days.
In the meantime, don't be depressed about Arnold. The people are pissed off and they have every right to be. They are in a "removal" mood. That is a good thing. As soon as we do our work to inform our friends and neighbors how Bush has wrecked the country, the economy and our standing in the world, they will be more than ready for "Terminator IV: Hasta La Vista Bush." And, please, let this be the end of wimpy, wishy-washy Democrats like Gray Davis who are really Republicans. The American public hates b.s. and hates fakes. We -- you -- need to think about getting people to run for office who STAND for something. Time is running out.
See you on the road!
Michael Moore"
Excellent, well done Michael!
Posted by Liz at 09:00 PM Feedback (1)
Breast Cancer Drug
"A new drug regimen can markedly reduce the chance that breast cancer will recur in postmenopausal women, a large international study has found. The results were so strongly, and surprisingly, positive that the investigators ended the study early and offered the drug to women taking a placebo.
The study involved 5,187 women at hundreds of medical centers in the United States, Canada and Europe. It asked what to do after they finish the recommended five-year course of tamoxifen, the standard treatment to prevent breast cancer recurrences.
Tamoxifen, which blocks the hormone estrogen, is remarkably effective in postmenopausal women whose cancers are fueled by the hormone, about 100,000 women each year." ~~ NY Times
When I was a little girl and my mother was only 40years old, she had a double mastectomy. Thats what they did with breast cancer back then. She had implants that broke and became deformed, but it saved her life and she was around to raise her three small children. My grandmother (Father's mother) had one breast removed back then and she is 88 years old now. My Aunt (mother's sister) just finished with chemo and radiation for her breast cancer. Thank God they got it all and she is doing well today, with freshly grown curly hair. This new drug is very good news for myself and many other woman.
Posted by Liz at 08:32 PM Feedback (0)
October 09, 2003
Reality Can Bite At Any Minute
That’s today’s headline regarding Roy being mauled by a tiger. I thought how appropriate for life. Reality can bite at any minute. An irritating nibble can turn into a deadly chomp, and with it comes the pain. Bring on the pain, I’m strong.
So many things have been whirling around in my head. I’m questioning, should I go to NYC in two weeks or not bother? Will I feel guilty as sin when I call out sick to head to the shore with my nieces for a weekend, also will I pass this finite math test? Reading about other people’s lives by way of a blog, makes me speculate. Have I been surmising accurately, are my perceptions of a picture couple on the money? I feel bad that they are no longer, and I’m sad that another blogger is depressed. That pair sure looked good on paper. Then of course I remind myself that my perceptions are just that, mine, and feelings aren’t facts. I guess bloggers are a sub culture of sorts. We know each other, we know a lot about each other because of reading, but do we really know one another? We link to our favorites, and some of us have made time and effort to meet in person. Many of us speak via the phone, and post to one another daily.
"The growth of the 'Blogosphere' and blogging (the act of keeping an online Web log or journal) has been meteoric," MrFadedGlory writes. "From the year 2000 the estimated number of 135,000 blogs is expected to increase in size to 10.3 million by 2004. Blogging has attracted the attention of major media players such as Conde Nast and Google, and has been the source of considerable discussion here at Plastic and elsewhere on the value of individual blogs as news sources. Are blogs just the latest self-indulgent web wank, or is this just version 0.1 of the brave new media future? " ~ Plastic
Just like life, plans& relationships can look good in theory. I’ve had scores of those theories in my life. Relationships that I felt were going “somewhere”, job opportunities, classes I wanted to take, but, when it came to the thriving daily feats the inadequacies of my plans shown through and in many cases I aborted my mission.
I feel that most woman want one thing, generally speaking, from a man, and that’s security. Momentous is the knowledge that he has your best welfare at heart. Expressing himself emotionally, and being a safe haven for your feelings. That’s not so simple too find, but I won’t settle for less. In the meantime, I blog, I live and I am happy.
Posted by Liz at 11:54 PM Feedback (6)
October 08, 2003
Politics As Usual
Politicans, Let This Be A Lesson To You!
I think Ah-Nuld won because people are sick of the politicians. Who can blame them. I myself, have looked into alternative leadership (See Anarchy post). I am as sick of the Democrats as I am the Republicians. Either way, we the people are screwed. Am I angry that Ah-Nuld is govenor? No, I cant say that I blame people for desperately grabbing at a chance for change. If he can overturn the damage done, then hooray for the people of California.
Posted by Liz at 07:30 AM Feedback (2)
October 05, 2003
The Poncho, Winter's Blanket
When I was a little girl in the 70's I had one, yesterday, I became the owner of my first poncho in more than 20 years. Yummy, it feels so good! I dont have this poncho (shown), I have a solid black one. If you bump into me this Winter, you may catch me wearing it.
I bought my poncho at Ann Taylor**
Posted by Liz at 05:46 PM Feedback (5)
October 01, 2003
Finite Math and Me
Gauss-Jordan Method
As some of you know I bombed the first test, bad! (Please don't ask me to say the test score) I jammed with my tutor and made some head way. I let the Prof know that I wasn't ready to give up just yet. Tonight after class, I had to stick around for some clarification on a particular method. Once Mr. H explained it, it clicked. He asked me how long it had been since I had the basics and I told him the truth, 20 yrs. (do the math). He asked if I felt overwhelmed and I told him as long as I see the tutor I'm OK. He told me point blank, that he didn't care who I was, if I failed the tests, I would fail the class. I said fair enough, I understand that, I actually like this class and I want to hang in and fight the good fight. I told Mr. H that this was my only class this semester and I was able to devote time to it. I have no idea why I'm relaxed about this situation. I recall a time, when a Prof was able to intimidate me out of Spanish class. I was always convinced math was beyond me and it was my boyfriends duty to tutor me (which he faithfully did). Today, I'm different person. I'll decide when I'm done with finite math, and for now I'm digging it, so I'm not done. I really want to kick ass in this class. I have to pass every test from here on out, that's OK, I'm in it to win it.
By the by, any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. :D
Posted by Liz at 09:43 PM Feedback (10)
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