Friday, February 20, 2009

Real Time With Bill Maher Returns Tonight!

" New Rule: The rest of the world can go back to being completely jealous of America. Yes...our majority white country just freely elected a black president; something no other democracy has ever done. Take that, Canada! Where's your Nubian warrior president? Your head of state is a boring white dude named Stephen Harper. And mine is a kick-ass black ninja named Barack Hussein Obama!

That's right, everybody. I take back every bad thing I ever said about the good old U.S.A. I've gone from "God damn America" to "God damn, America!"

I feel like a hockey mom at the state fair getting felt up by Hank Williams Jr. While fireworks go off and Jesus appears in my cotton candy. It would be stupid not to be stupid about it.

So, I'd like to take this moment when we've finally got one right, to bask in a little unwarranted, unapologetic, irrational, faux patriotism. Or, as Fox News calls it, "regular programming."

Now, I might regret this. It's kind of like going grocery shopping when you're high. But, here goes, world...[with patriotic music under]

We're Americans. We built the Golden Gate Bridge and Hoover Dam and Joan Rivers. We're the only country that can look at a sandwich made of ice cream and chocolate cookies covered in fudge and think, "Ah, you think we could fry that?"

And you know what? YES, WE CAN!

They may have 72 virgins, but we have 31 Flavors.

You know what our favorite burger topping is? Another burger!

We invented rock 'n' roll, jazz, funk, R&B, and hip-hop. Without our music, your iPods would be filled with ABBA, Menudo and Men At Work. And you wouldn't have iPods.

Not only did we create the Internet, we're the ones who filled it up with porn.

Jefferson lived here. And Miles Davis and Mark Twain and Frank Lloyd Wright and a lot of other people Sarah Palin never heard of.

In America, strippers and Disney stars have an equal right to be named "Hannah Montana."

And I was freely able to make a movie saying there's no afterlife, and you could watch it while eating crap that'll kill you. But, that's okay, because our corn-fed high school sophomores are bigger than your soldiers, and they're better armed.

I ask you, in what other nation would they tax young people to make sure old people can afford erections?

What you call "football," we call "soccer." And what you call "war crimes," we call "football."

So, let me just say it again: we elected a black guy, and it was because he was the best candidate. Not because it was some cheap gimmick. And we should know, because we are also the country that invented cheap gimmicks.

Yes, America is like Jessica Simpson. Sometimes it's so stupid it embarrasses you, but, on the other hand, how about them titties?! "

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Roseanne said the most amazing enlighting thing about abusive relationships. People hate to admit it but a woman does play a part in an abusive relationship when she is willing to STAY with an abuser and in many cases verbally fight him. You can't win. LIke Roseanne says you win when you refuse to play.

"Alot of guys hit women because the women are hitting them, verbally abusing them or throwing the keys to their car outside and goading them on, and they lose control of themselves. This is what it sounds like to be in the rhianna-chris brown affair. there is no way out of violence if you are violent. the only way to win is not to play the game.

In the later stages, she won't leave because her will is destroyed, and a violent line crossed, because once the guy threatens to kill her, it becomes almost impossible for her to leave.
i hope rhianna is getting counseling from a professional counselor who will tell her that there is no way for her to ever win, and that she will have to curtail her own penchant for escalating conflict by screaming at or hitting or humiliating her abuser. I hope he gets real counseling too, that is not from a minister or his mom or any other shame based bullshit method that will never work, and that is designed to avoid dealing directly with self-control issues. I hope that they both leave each other alone and get over their faults.

I hope she does not continue to play the game with him. If they still love each other after they learn self control and conflict resolution, then they can get back together."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

July 2003

July 31, 2003
Bush's reasons for war
I have to check this out later today, its some interesting stuff.
Posted by Liz at 12:23 PM Feedback (0)
July 27, 2003

Rice To Riches
The lastest in pretention is here! A $5.00 bowl of rice pudding. Anne took me to this place last weekend. She wanted me to see it. Now, I'm not a big rice pudding fan as it is, but she swore they had great flavors. I thought it looked rather gross through the window. I mean some of it was green and yellow and brown and it was all lumpy. You know, like rice pudding.
I tasted it and decided, if I were going to eat a dessert, I would rather it be ice cream. The atmosphere is a high tech Japanese flavor, which normally, I would be into that, but this was just a lot of hype for of all things..rice pudding? Now I have to admit, the place was packed. It was Saturday night and folks were in line and eating at the Jetson like tables (you have to stand at them which turns me off right away). The thing that did* impress me was the cool little bowls they serve the pudding in. They come with a weird spoon and napkin in plastic and a lid. It was very high tech -man on the moon, Tang, kinda stuff. That was cool! Anne bought into it, as apparently many people do, but I couldn't. Yea, there making money, but I'm just a Baskin and Robbins girl at heart.
Posted by Liz at 09:57 PM Feedback (4)
July 26, 2003

GameGirlAdvance Zine
Friends Justin and Jane have launched this months issue of GGA's Zine! I'm thrilled to be a part of it and as always, I appreciate the inspiration and encouragement Justin and Jane have always given me. There site is awesome and smart and colorful so check it out!
Posted by Liz at 02:08 AM Feedback (0)

Melissa on Kobe
I couldn't agree more with Melissa. We were having this discussion at work today. Whats up with Mrs. Bryant and the $4million dolla rock? Whats up with the hand holding in public as your husband announces he cheats on you? (Could this have been his first time? HA!) Whats up with some woman in general these days, taking all kinds of shorts just to have a member of the male species in their proximity? Ok, I could go on and on, as many of you know, but I will spare you the ranting and raving. Its not pretty.
Posted by Liz at 01:58 AM Feedback (8)

Its all about the Paper Dolls
Catholic school girls unite! (Of which I am one.)
Its fun playing with UK fashions.
Posted by Liz at 12:07 AM Feedback (0)
July 24, 2003

London vs. New York Street Fashion
I have to say I love the British designers. I always have. Viv Westwood, Alex McQueen are gods! I found the street fashion much more inspiring in London than in Paris. Street fashion in NYC is good, but the thing I picked up on was the way British woman express themselves fashion wise. In New York it seems that there is one mold and we are supposed to do our goddamned best to fit into it. However, in London, I didn't see that at work in the least. For example. I saw "older" woman 40's-50's with green hair. Now no fashion conscience woman in NYC would be caught with such a "young" look. British woman seem to scoff at the rules, and carry along quite well. I really respect that. They not only break the mold, they dont allow a new one to be created. BRAVO!
British fashion makes a statement........
This how I feel before I go out the door in NYC......
"UGH! What is all the pressure about??"
Posted by Liz at 10:17 PM Feedback (4)

London Pics
Click on the pictures and see a bit of London.This is Warwick Castle, thankyou Paul for a great day.View image
This was our neighborhood. I want a house here in South Kensington!View image
What a view from high a top Warwick castle. Paul drove us out there!View imageThe Pub we hung out at in the area..View image
My friend Jim came to visit and we went to lunch.View image
Tony Blairs job. House of Parliment, not to be confused with P-funk and George Clinton!View image
Big Ben was cool!View image
Posted by Liz at 09:50 PM Feedback (0)
July 17, 2003

The Believer
I just rented this and it is a powerful film. Check it out. Its smart and disturbing. Ryan Gosling is amazing as a Jewish neo-nazi who is living a double life. Summer Phoenix is glorious as his brilliant girlfriend. Its based on a true story.
Posted by Liz at 09:44 PM Feedback (1)

Finding Time
Anne made a recent trip to South Beach after we returned from London. I plan on posting the London pics after I get them developed. In the meantime, here are some SOBE pics taken at our fav hotel The Savoy. Can't you see why we loved it there and plan to go back.
View imageAnne goes back to SOBE.
View imageAnne in the lobby at The Savoy
A room at The Savoy
The pool side at The Savoy
Posted by Liz at 08:44 PM Feedback (0)

I Feel Purty!
Anne went to our Mecca in South Beach recently, Sephora. Bless her heart, she picked me up a little ditty that we have both been eyeing for quite some time.
That right! Kitten body glitter. hehe What fun we shall have with a sparkle in our eye and a glitz on our skin.
Posted by Liz at 07:41 PM Feedback (0)

Marianne Williamson in London
This woman came along at a time when I needed to hear what she was saying the most. Isn't that always the way, when the student is ready the teacher appears. I first saw her on Oprah years ago. Oprah was singing the praises of Marianne's new book A Return To Love.
Click here for Marianne's latest website.
Anne and I recently went to hear Marianne at a seminar in London. Two days fo hearing Marianne speak on the principals from A Course In Miracles. Two days of this person challenging us to have a different preception of ourselves, the world and God. I had a chance to talk to Marianne and express my concerns regarding my life and my future. She shared her take on things and I felt hopeful. I feel hopeful anyway. I just need some direction. In reading blogs that I do, apparently and thankfully, I'm not the only one. Thats not a judgement. Its just that it helps me to know other struggle at times but continue to push forward achieving thier goals.
Posted by Liz at 07:30 PM Feedback (0)

I Love These Drinks All Year Round!
View many of my favorite cocktails here. Yum, they're a delicious treat anytime! Well, OK maybe not first thing in the morning. hehe
Posted by Liz at 07:06 PM Feedback (0)

May 2003

May 28, 2003

Those lips are so J LO!
OK, I know this may be a bit shallow but what can I say I'm shallow at times. Anne and I have been on a quest to replicate the sexy lips of Jennifer Lopez. Heres the problem, neither one of us has bronze skin, were two pales faces. Our wonderful friend and makeup artist, Craig at Henry Bendels, showed me how to make the full sexy neutral lip. (Love ya Craig) Here is one product from Molton Brown (London) that seem to work well. The color is called desirable. I know its pricey, but when the sales girl at Bergdorfs said, "those lips are so J LO." I was sold. I know I'm a sucker!
Posted by Liz at 09:42 PM Feedback (2)

cheap phone rates
I was reading Joi Ito's blogand he mentions that he has a new long distance service. I'm always on the look out for this kind of thing, due to the over seas calls I make to friends. (Thank goodness Anne isn't living in Paris anymore, they were some phone bills!) Cheap phone rates have become a mission in my life. I cut caller ID from my home phone because that was becoming a huge waste of time, checking all the blocked calls. Sure the phone company will force* people to show there number, for a nominal fee of course. Now I work towards getting as many free cell phone minutes as possible.
Posted by Liz at 09:03 PM Feedback (2)
May 27, 2003

Tips for dressing your man
Here is a the summer look men! Lose the golf shirts guys, I beg of you.
Nice looking sandals are a must for, the fun in the sun, gentleman.Being in South Beach made me aware of what is sexy on a man and what is not. Loose fitting, casual clothing with textured fabrics are HOT*. Khakis and golf shirts are not. I think Anne will back me up on this one. wink, wink*
Posted by Liz at 01:04 AM Feedback (3)
May 11, 2003

beach coverup
Anne and I are heading to South Beach next week for a little R&R. I figured I had better get a new bathing suit and coverup for the ocassion.Which lounge chair should I pick?
Yesterday I picked up a new swiumsuit and pareos. I cant stand to see woman on the beach in huge tee-shirts. I purchased a terry zip up cover a while back, and truthfully, I cant seem to find it. It was rather frumpy, I dont know why I bought it. I just want to be comfortable strolling around poolside to Hotel . I feel comfortable with this attire. Thanks TJ Maxx!
Posted by Liz at 01:48 PM Feedback (3)

Cell phone Tones
I have a verizon cellphone and right now I have Californis Dreamin as my ring tone. I tried to look into downloading other tones, but I cant find any for Verizon. Apparently I can only use the ModTones or Get It Now. I really want Janes Addiction on there, but it isnt offered.
Posted by Liz at 01:26 PM Feedback (0)
May 07, 2003

Happy Birthday To Ya!
May 8th is Anne's big day. Guess I should give her some props, right?
Anne is one of the most generous people I know. Oh sure, its easy to be generous when you have no resources, then you can just give lip service and say what you *would* do if you could. Anne isn't like that. She shares what she has and she gives of herself and her talents. Sure she is smart and caring, but she also has a passion for living that’s contagious. I wouldn't have done most of the traveling I've done and am about to embark on, if it weren't for her. She encourages me and even sticks her neck out. Anne doesn't miss a trick either! If you think something just got past her, it didn't. Anne pushed me into starting this blog. She said she would be in it with me and that was the safety net I needed. Not only does she have terrific fashion sense, she gave me a license plate with a confederate flag (*gag*) on it. We laughed together hysterically and that’s what makes friendship with Anne so grand, laughing at ourselves and with each other. Happy Birthday hose bag, I hope you have many more.
Posted by Liz at 10:06 PM Feedback (0)
May 05, 2003

Still Working
I'm still working on this blog in between other things.
I have accounting finals coming up this week and next week. After that Anne and I are headed to South Beach for a little R&R. Anne has been busy running her Dad to medical appointments. Yesterday I was back in NYC with my Mom and Jeanna to see Hairspray on Broadway. It was so great. Two hours for pure joy. Check it out if you get a chance!
Posted by Liz at 06:41 AM Feedback (0)